A Youth Alive Summer Program Reflection
I am Raquel Java, one of the scholars of St. Peter Church. I am very thankful that I had the chance to participate in this summer program of Youth Alive, whose aim is to develop in the youth a strong spiritual life through every topic discussed in each session. I definitely enjoyed singing praise and worship songs, listening to and reflecting on the talks, and taking part in the group sharings where I learned so much from the experiences of my groupmates. All the activities we did enlightened and inspired me to go on with life along with all the challenges I face. I believe that God has a wonderful plan for my life which He willed to unfold by blessing me with visual impairment.
Through the blessed summer program, I learned the value of the Holy Bible in our lives as Christians. It should not only be read but, most importantly, understood and lived by. Equally important, and should not be taken for granted, is the act of prayer. It is our way of conversing with the Lord and establishing a harmonious relationship with Him. Reading the Bible, understanding it and living by it, along with everyday prayers, will guide us in our journey through life. They will aid us in maintaining a deep communion with the Lord, and will enable us to see how beautiful life is, and how even more wonderful it will be after death.
I realized, through the sessions in the program, how the Holy Spirit guides each and everyone in doing the will of God. It truly works wonders in us, even if we think we cannot do something for God. It gives strength and light to us who need them everyday of our lives. I also came to understand how faith in the Lord works. It can move mountains, calm seas, and do even the most impossible thing we can imagine. I give more praises and thanks to God who is a gracious God, the God with whom everything is possible.
I would like to extend my deepest and sincerest gratitude to Fr. Steeve, Fr. Brian, and Fr. Geoffrey, who allowed themselves to be God’s instruments in bringing us, the youth, close to Him. I also honor my newly found friends in whom I felt God’s loving presence—they who willingly accompanied me to every gathering and assisted me in our activities during the entire program period. May the Lord bless them even more. They are His precious blessings in my life!
At present, my faith in God continues to strengthen, and all the fears I have in my heart slowly fade. I know that He is always with me. Never has He forsaken me, and never will he forsake me especially in times of trouble. He will always be my refuge, my strong hold, my hope, and the light of my life that will never fade.